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Frases de Osho
- Algumas coisas morrem com a luz. Se você puxar para fora da terra as raízes de uma árvore, elas morrerão. Elas necessitam da escuridão, elas vivem na escuridão, na escuridão está a vida delas. Assim como as raízes, o sofrimento também vive na escuridão. Exponha os seus sofrimentos e você descobrirá, eles morreram. Se você continuar escondendo-os dentro de si, eles irão permanecer seus companheiros constantes por muitas vidas. A infelicidade tem que ser expressada.
- Sempre que houver alternativas tenha cuidado. Não opte pelo conveniente, pelo confortavel, pelo respeitável, pelo socialmente aceitável, pelo honroso. Opte pelo que faz o seu coração vibrar. Opte pelo que gostaria de fazer, apesar de todas as consequências.
- A vida deveria ser uma celebração contínua, um festival de luzes por todo o ano. Somente então você pode se desenvolver, você pode florir. Transforme pequenas coisas em celebração... Tudo o que você faz deveria expressar a si próprio; deveria ter a sua assinatura. Então a vida se torna uma celebração contínua.
- A vida deveria ser uma celebração contínua, um festival de luzes por todo o ano. Somente então você pode se desenvolver, você pode florir. Transforme pequenas coisas em celebração... Tudo o que você faz deveria expressar a si próprio; deveria ter a sua assinatura. Então a vida se torna uma celebração contínua.
True Gift...
True gifts are given from within
The Gift of Love, friendship, compassion,
Those are the gifts that matters
Those are the gifts who will change the world.
Give a gift to others... yourself.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
Heal The World + We Are The World.
Heal the World
There's A Place In Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways To Get There
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Little Space, Make A Better Place…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For Joyful Giving
If We Try We Shall See
In This Bliss We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And Start Living
Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Dream We Were Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep Strangling Life
Wound This Earth, Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow
We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All My Brothers
Create A World With No Fear
Together We'll Cry Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords Into Plowshares
We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me...
By Michael Jackson
We Are The World
There comes a time
When we heard a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
By several people
Being Alone - Aloneness is Beautiful.
Osho on Aloneness - We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone
Question: You said the other day that we are born alone, we live Alone and we die alone. Yet it seems as if from the day we Are born, whatever we are doing, whoever we are, we Seek to relate to others; in addition, we are usually Attracted to being intimate with one person in Particular. Would you please comment?
Osho: The question that you have asked is the question of every human being. We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Aloneness is our very nature, but we are not aware of it. Because we are not aware of it, we remain strangers to ourselves, and instead of seeing our aloneness as a tremendous beauty and bliss, silence and peace, at-easeness with existence, we misunderstand it as loneliness. Loneliness is a misunderstood aloneness. Once you misunderstand your aloneness as loneliness, the whole context changes.
Aloneness has a beauty and grandeur, a positivity; loneliness is poor, negative, dark, dismal. Everybody is running away from loneliness. It is like a wound; it hurts. To escape from it, the only way is to be in a crowd, to become part of a society, to have friends, to create a family, to have husbands and wives, to have children. In this crowd, the basic effort is that you will be able to forget your loneliness. But nobody has ever succeeded in forgetting it. That which is natural to you, you can try to ignore -- but you cannot forget it; it will assert again and again.
And the problem becomes more complex because you have never seen it as it is; you have taken it for granted that you are born lonely. The dictionary meaning is the same; that shows the mind of the people who create dictionaries. They don't understand at all the vast difference between loneliness and aloneness. Loneliness is a gap. Something is missing, something is needed to fill it, and nothing can ever fill it because it is a misunderstanding in the first place. As you grow older, the gap also grows bigger.
People are so afraid to be by themselves that they do any kind of stupid thing. I have seen people playing cards alone; the other party is not there. They have invented games in which the same person plays cards from both sides. Somehow one wants to remain engaged. That engagement may be with people, may be with work.... There are workaholics; they are afraid when the weekend comes close -- what are they going to do? And if they don't do anything, they are left to themselves, and that is the most painful experience.
You will be surprised to know that it is on the weekends that most of the accidents in the world happen. People are rushing in their cars to resort places, to sea beaches, to hill stations, bumper to bumper. It may take eight hours, ten hours to reach, and there is nothing for them to do because the whole crowd has come with them. Now their house, their neighborhood, their city is more peaceful than this sea resort. Everybody has come. But some engagement....
People are playing cards, chess; people are watching television for hours. The average American watches television five hours a day; people are listening to the radio... just to avoid themselves. For all these activities, the only reason is -- not to be left alone; it is very fearful. And this idea is taken from others. Who has told you that to be alone is a fearful state?
Those who have known aloneness say something absolutely different. They say there is nothing more beautiful, more peaceful, more joyful than being alone. But you listen to the crowd. The people who live in misunderstanding are in such a majority, that who bothers about a Zarathustra, or a Gautam Buddha? These single individuals can be wrong, can be hallucinating, can be deceiving themselves or deceiving you, but millions of people cannot be wrong. And millions of people agree that to be left to oneself is the worst experience in life; it is hell.
But any relationship that is created because of the fear, because of the inner hell of being left alone, cannot be satisfying. Its very root is poisoned. You don't love your woman, you are simply using her not to be lonely; neither does she love you. She is also in the same paranoia; she is using you not to be left alone. Naturally, in the name of love anything may happen -- except love. Fights may happen, arguments may happen, but even they are preferred to being lonely: at least somebody is there and you are engaged, you can forget your loneliness.
But love is not possible, because there is no basic foundation for love. Love never grows out of fear. You are asking, "You said the other day that we are born alone, we live alone and we die alone. Yet it seems as if from the day we are born, whatever we are doing, whoever we are, we seek to relate to others."
This seeking to relate to others is nothing but escapism. Even the smallest baby tries to find something to do; if nothing else, then he will suck his own big toes on his feet. It is an absolutely futile activity, nothing can come out of it, but it is engagement. He is doing something. You will see in the stations, in the airports, small boys and girls carrying their teddy bears; they cannot sleep without them. Darkness makes their loneliness even more dangerous. The teddy bear is a great protection; somebody is with them.
And your God is nothing but a teddy bear for grown-ups. You cannot live as you are. Your relationships are not relationships. They are ugly. You are using the other person, and you know perfectly well the other person is using you. And to use anybody is to reduce him into a thing, into a commodity. You don't have any respect for the person.
"In addition," you are asking, "we are usually attracted to being intimate with one person in particular."
It has a psychological reason. You are brought up by a mother, by a father; if you are a boy, you start loving your mother and you start being jealous of your father because he is a competitor; if you are a girl, you start loving your father and you hate your mother because she is a competitor. These are now established facts, not hypotheses, and the result of it turns your whole life into a misery.
The boy carries the image of his mother as the model of a woman. He becomes conditioned continuously; he knows only one woman so closely, so intimately. Her face, her hair, her warmth -- everything becomes an imprint. That's exactly the scientific word used: it becomes an imprint in his psychology. And the same happens to the girl about the father. When you grow up, you fall in love with some woman or with some man and you think, "Perhaps we are made for each other." Nobody is made for anyone.
But why do you feel attracted towards one certain person? It is because of your imprint. He must resemble your father in some way; she must resemble your mother in some way. Of course no other woman can be exactly a replica of your mother, and anyway you are not in search of a mother, you are in search of a wife. But the imprint inside you decides who is the right woman for you. The moment you see that woman, there is no question of reasoning. You immediately feel attraction; your imprint immediately starts functioning - - this is the woman for you, or this is the man for you.
It is good as far as meeting once in a while on the sea beach, in the movie hall, in the garden is concerned, because you don't come to know each other totally. But you are both hankering to live together; you want to be married, and that is one of the most dangerous steps that lovers can take. The moment you are married, you start becoming aware of the totality of the other person, and you are surprised on every single aspect -- "Something went wrong; this is not the woman, this is not the man" -- because they don't fit with the ideal that you are carrying within you. (...)
To leave husband and wife in a room by themselves is to make them both utterly miserable. his whole effort -- whether of relationships or remaining busy in a thousand and one things -- is just to escape from the idea that you are lonely. And I want it to be emphatically clear to you that this is where the meditator and the ordinary man part. The ordinary man goes on trying to forget his loneliness, and the meditator starts getting more and more acquainted with his aloneness.
He has left the world; he has gone to the caves, to the mountains, to the forest, just for the sake of being alone. He wants to know who he is. In the crowd, it is difficult; there are so many disturbances. And those who have known their aloneness have known the greatest blissfulness possible to human beings -- because your very being is blissful. After being in tune with your aloneness, you can relate; then your relationship will bring great joys to you, because it is not out of fear.
Finding your aloneness you can create, you can be involved in as many things as you want, because this involvement will not anymore be running away from yourself. Now it will be your expression; now it will be the manifestation of all that is your potential. Only such a man -- whether he lives alone or lives in the society, whether he marries or lives unmarried makes no difference -- is always blissful, peaceful, silent. His life is a dance, is a song, is a flowering, is a fragrance. Whatever he does, he brings his fragrance to it.
But the first basic thing is to know your aloneness absolutely. This escape from yourself you have learned from the crowd. Because everybody is escaping, you start escaping. Every child is born in a crowd and starts imitating people; what others are doing, he starts doing. He falls into the same miserable situations as others are in, and he starts thinking that this is what life is all about. And he has missed life completely.
So I remind you, don't misunderstand aloneness as loneliness. Loneliness is certainly sick; aloneness is perfect health.
Ginsberg visits Doctor Goldberg. "Ja, you are sick."
"Not good enough. I want another opinion."
"Okay," said Doctor Goldberg, "you are ugly too."
We are all committing the same kinds of misunderstandings continually.
I would like my people to know that your first and most primary step towards finding the meaning and significance of life is to enter into your aloneness. It is your temple; it is where your God lives, and you cannot find this temple anywhere else. You can go on to the moon, to Mars...
Once you have entered your innermost core of being, you cannot believe your own eyes: you were carrying so much joy, so many blessings, so much love... and you were escaping from your own treasures. Knowing these treasures and their inexhaustibility, you can move now into relationships, into creativity. You will help people by sharing your love, not by using them. You will give dignity to people by your love; you will not destroy their respect. And you will, without any effort, become a source for them to find their own treasures too.
Whatever you make, whatever you do, you will spread your silence, your peace, your blessings into everything possible. But this basic thing is not taught by any family, by any society, by any university. People go on living in misery, and it is taken for granted. Everybody is miserable, so it is nothing much if you are miserable; you cannot be an exception.
But I say unto you: You can be an exception. You just have not made the right effort.
But I say unto you: You can be an exception. You just have not made the right effort.
From: OSHO
Source: http://www.messagefrommasters.com/Shiva-Shakti/Aloneness_is_Beauitful.htm
AVATAR - Um filme de grande qualidade com uma grande mensagem.
Aconselho vivamente o filme AVATAR para todos verem. É simplesmente excelente em todos os sentidos, tendo gráficos muito bons, uma história ainda melhor, e especialmente mensagens muitos importantes, algumas directas outras muito subtis, sobre espiritualidade, sobre a natureza, e sobre estarmos todos interligados como um todo.
O filme é baseado em vários factos reais e históricos que aconteceram e infelizmente ainda acontecem no "nosso" lar que se chama Terra, especialmente a nível da destruição ambiental do planeta.
Os indígenas do filme são claramente baseados nos nativos americanos, na sua filosofia, tradições/cultura e espiritualidade de vida. Ao se reparar com atenção nos seus modos de vida e até mesmo nas suas feições, percebe-se perfeitamente bem isso. Os humanos que invadem o planeta foram inspirados nos colonos europeus que invadiram o continente americano e outros locais, tendo provocado um genocídio massivo.
Sem dúvida que de tudo, o mais fantástico são as mensagens profundas que o filme quer passar para as pessoas.
Todo o filme, mas essencialmente esse aspecto, faz com que seja um dos melhores filmes já produzidos.
Irá haver mais dois filmes, que muito prometem.
O filme é baseado em vários factos reais e históricos que aconteceram e infelizmente ainda acontecem no "nosso" lar que se chama Terra, especialmente a nível da destruição ambiental do planeta.
Os indígenas do filme são claramente baseados nos nativos americanos, na sua filosofia, tradições/cultura e espiritualidade de vida. Ao se reparar com atenção nos seus modos de vida e até mesmo nas suas feições, percebe-se perfeitamente bem isso. Os humanos que invadem o planeta foram inspirados nos colonos europeus que invadiram o continente americano e outros locais, tendo provocado um genocídio massivo.
Sem dúvida que de tudo, o mais fantástico são as mensagens profundas que o filme quer passar para as pessoas.
Todo o filme, mas essencialmente esse aspecto, faz com que seja um dos melhores filmes já produzidos.
Irá haver mais dois filmes, que muito prometem.
Rebirth From The Ashes...
We live life?
We think we live life
We think we know what reality is
We think we know who we are and what we want
We think with a limited view, in short terms
What we live, is not a life, it is an illusion
Life is not about giving money, it is about giving a gentle hand and smile
Life is not about judgments and who is "right" or "wrong", it is about compassion
Life is not about manipulations, it is about honesty and courage
Life is not about negative feelings, it is about forgiveness
Life is not about possessions, it is about spiritual evolution
Life is not about short sight, it is about enlightenment
Life is not about selfishness, it is about LOVE
We need to have the courage to rise,
to see beyond, to look upon the skies
to gain wings and fly up trough the sky
above the dark clouds
to see and feel the light from the shining star
to absorb that light, to transfigure,
to become one with the energy.
From illusion, we need to reborn
into a new awakening
into a new awareness
into a new transformation
into a new dawn
into a new life
into a new... me.
Nothing is lost, it is just transformed.
You are rebuilding yourself every moment, every second
who you were a minute ago is not who you are now,
the mistakes made are not the mistakes you can make,
the love lost, is the love that you can recover and share, NOW.
When ever lost, in doubt, in weakness
to guide you, always ask yourself: What would love do now?
Every day, when we awake, we have a new opportunity
a new opportunity to reborn, to build and be a new self, to go beyond
that opportunity is made by getting more awareness into our mind and hearts
it is when we receive that inner light, that we become angels with wings...
... So, rebirth from the ashes
Rise and become a new phoenix.
Spread your wings, spread your inner light.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
We think we live life
We think we know what reality is
We think we know who we are and what we want
We think with a limited view, in short terms
What we live, is not a life, it is an illusion
Life is not about giving money, it is about giving a gentle hand and smile
Life is not about judgments and who is "right" or "wrong", it is about compassion
Life is not about manipulations, it is about honesty and courage
Life is not about negative feelings, it is about forgiveness
Life is not about possessions, it is about spiritual evolution
Life is not about short sight, it is about enlightenment
Life is not about selfishness, it is about LOVE
We need to have the courage to rise,
to see beyond, to look upon the skies
to gain wings and fly up trough the sky
above the dark clouds
to see and feel the light from the shining star
to absorb that light, to transfigure,
to become one with the energy.
From illusion, we need to reborn
into a new awakening
into a new awareness
into a new transformation
into a new dawn
into a new life
into a new... me.
Nothing is lost, it is just transformed.
You are rebuilding yourself every moment, every second
who you were a minute ago is not who you are now,
the mistakes made are not the mistakes you can make,
the love lost, is the love that you can recover and share, NOW.
When ever lost, in doubt, in weakness
to guide you, always ask yourself: What would love do now?
Every day, when we awake, we have a new opportunity
a new opportunity to reborn, to build and be a new self, to go beyond
that opportunity is made by getting more awareness into our mind and hearts
it is when we receive that inner light, that we become angels with wings...
... So, rebirth from the ashes
Rise and become a new phoenix.
Spread your wings, spread your inner light.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
The World is Precious
Give life to Earth
It is Gaia, it is our mother
A complex living being
Plant a tree
give life that will last beyond a lifetime
make a new world
The world is precious
Take care of it.
By P. Daniel -
It is Gaia, it is our mother
A complex living being
Plant a tree
give life that will last beyond a lifetime
make a new world
The world is precious
Take care of it.
By P. Daniel -
Morre lentamente quem não viaja,
quem não lê,
quem não ouve música,
quem não encontra graça em si mesmo.
Morre lentamente quem destrói o seu amor-próprio,
quem não se deixa ajudar,
morre lentamente quem se transforma em escravo do hábito,
repetindo todos os dias os mesmos trajetos,
quem não muda de marca,
não se arrisca a vestir uma nova cor
ou não conversa com quem não conhece.
Morre lentamente quem faz da televisão o seu guru.
Morre lentamente quem evita uma paixão,
quem prefere o negro sobre o branco
e os pontos sobre os "is"
em detrimento de um redemoínho de emoções,
justamente as que resgatam o brilho dos olhos,
sorrisos dos bocejos, corações aos tropeços e sentimentos.
Morre lentamente quem não vira a mesa
quando está infeliz com o seu trabalho,
quem não arrisca o certo pelo incerto
para ir atrás de um sonho,
quem não se permite pelo menos uma vez na vida
a fugir dos conselhos sensatos.
Morre lentamente, quem passa os dias queixando-se da sua má sorte ou da chuva incessante
Morre lentamente, quem abandona um projeto antes de iniciá-lo,
não pergunta sobre um assunto que desconhece
ou não responde quando lhe indagam sobre algo que sabe.
Evitemos a morte em doses suaves,
recordando sempre que estar vivo
exige um esforço muito maior que o simples fato de respirar.
Somente a perseverança fará com que conquistemos um estágio pleno de felicidade.
- Pablo Neruda
quem não lê,
quem não ouve música,
quem não encontra graça em si mesmo.
Morre lentamente quem destrói o seu amor-próprio,
quem não se deixa ajudar,
morre lentamente quem se transforma em escravo do hábito,
repetindo todos os dias os mesmos trajetos,
quem não muda de marca,
não se arrisca a vestir uma nova cor
ou não conversa com quem não conhece.
Morre lentamente quem faz da televisão o seu guru.
Morre lentamente quem evita uma paixão,
quem prefere o negro sobre o branco
e os pontos sobre os "is"
em detrimento de um redemoínho de emoções,
justamente as que resgatam o brilho dos olhos,
sorrisos dos bocejos, corações aos tropeços e sentimentos.
Morre lentamente quem não vira a mesa
quando está infeliz com o seu trabalho,
quem não arrisca o certo pelo incerto
para ir atrás de um sonho,
quem não se permite pelo menos uma vez na vida
a fugir dos conselhos sensatos.
Morre lentamente, quem passa os dias queixando-se da sua má sorte ou da chuva incessante
Morre lentamente, quem abandona um projeto antes de iniciá-lo,
não pergunta sobre um assunto que desconhece
ou não responde quando lhe indagam sobre algo que sabe.
Evitemos a morte em doses suaves,
recordando sempre que estar vivo
exige um esforço muito maior que o simples fato de respirar.
Somente a perseverança fará com que conquistemos um estágio pleno de felicidade.
- Pablo Neruda
Silent Practice
Living in the world of noise requires a lot of attention on the practice of silence.
Develop the practice of being peaceful in silence.
Thoughts of fear, doubt and uncertainty pollute inner peace.
In silence, when you become quiet and calm, you will find solutions.
Develop the practice of being peaceful in silence.
Thoughts of fear, doubt and uncertainty pollute inner peace.
In silence, when you become quiet and calm, you will find solutions.
A Message for Change...
"Severn Suzuki" da Organização das Crianças em Defesa do Meio Ambiente, durante a ECO 92 - Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento.
Hard Times?
There are times in life when we have hard moments
There are times when we fall into the ground
when we feel like we could not make it
when adversities are so big that seem insuperable
There are times in life that require a lot from us
There are times in life when we need to see with a new light
When we must surpass our own fears
When we need to go beyond our own mental borders
But i know there is always hope
Because i can count on all my potential, on my true self
Because i know you are there to help me lift when i fall.
There are times when we fall into the ground
when we feel like we could not make it
when adversities are so big that seem insuperable
There are times in life that require a lot from us
There are times in life when we need to see with a new light
When we must surpass our own fears
When we need to go beyond our own mental borders
But i know there is always hope
Because i can count on all my potential, on my true self
Because i know you are there to help me lift when i fall.
Life Is Beautiful
When you look life with new eyes
You will see in a new way
You will see beyond appearances
You will see what is really there
When you look life with new eyes
You will see beauty all around you
You will see every plant, animal and person shining
You will see new colors, new dimensions
When you look life with new eyes
You will experience emotions
You will feel peace and happiness
You will feel love, for others, for yourself
When you look life with new eyes
You will become more aware
You will transcend yourself
You will reach new dimensions
When you look life with new eyes
You will finally understand that, we are all one.
You will finally understand that, what we do to another, we do it to ourselves.
You will finally understand that, the only answer to everything is...
... unconditional love.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
You will see in a new way
You will see beyond appearances
You will see what is really there
When you look life with new eyes
You will see beauty all around you
You will see every plant, animal and person shining
You will see new colors, new dimensions
When you look life with new eyes
You will experience emotions
You will feel peace and happiness
You will feel love, for others, for yourself
When you look life with new eyes
You will become more aware
You will transcend yourself
You will reach new dimensions
When you look life with new eyes
You will finally understand that, we are all one.
You will finally understand that, what we do to another, we do it to ourselves.
You will finally understand that, the only answer to everything is...
... unconditional love.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
The Greatest Love Of All
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well
And let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty
They possess inside
Give them a sense of pride
To make it easier
Let the children's laughter
Remind us how we used to be
Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone
Who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me.
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well
And let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty
They possess inside
Give them a sense of pride
To make it easier
Let the children's laughter
Remind us how we used to be
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe.
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
And If by chance that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
Teach them well
And let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty
They possess inside
Give them a sense of pride
To make it easier
Let the children's laughter
Remind us how we used to be
Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone
Who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me.
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well
And let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty
They possess inside
Give them a sense of pride
To make it easier
Let the children's laughter
Remind us how we used to be
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe.
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
And If by chance that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
To Fall And To Rise.
Sometimes in life
we fall into the ground
We fall because of circumstances
because of adversities
because we lose hope
because of the pain we feel
because we lack the strength to keep going
because sometimes we just need to stop and rest
Sometimes in life
we make mistakes
We make mistakes because of the fear
because we cannot see beyond appearances
because we do not know or can do better at the moment
because we need to face ourselves and our walls
because we need to become more aware of us and others
because we need to put knowledge into practice
because we need to cultivate unconditional love
Sometimes in life
we hurt others, we hurt ourselves
We hurt because we fall
because we make mistakes
because we judge and condemn others
because we need to overcome our selfishness
because we need to listen and understand others
because we don't give a real chance
because we are here to (re)learn, to know, to be
because we fail to understand what we really need
because we fail to see we are all one, we are interconnected
Failure? Mistakes? Pain?
It is all illusions, designed to help you re-discover and experience your true self
It is in the most desperate hours, where we have the great opportunity to show the best we have within
Not with words, but with real meaningful actions that make a positive difference
Whenever you fall, do not be ashamed, this is a natural process of life
in fact it is a great moment to re-build, to re-learn, to evolve
if you need, stop for a moment and rest to recover lost energies
question every action and thought to become more aware and to change
read, meditate, walk in nature, talk with friends, do what gives you peace
then you will be ready again, and you can be sure you will rise again
never despair, never loose hope, you have all the power within
You have the potential
You have the courage
You have the compassion
You have the light
You have the love
You have yourself, and you are them and they are you
You have the strength to overcome the mountains that are placed on your path
and when you reach the top of everyone one of them, you will be able to see beyond them
no matter how hard the path was, you will be able to see the beauty ahead,
to know the past, understand the present, know and prepare the future
So, no matter how many times you fall over and over again, just rise,
no matter how much your heart hurts, how many tears has fallen trough your face, just rise,
no matter how many times you made mistakes, and how bad you criticize yourself, just rise,
keep the hope, be the hope, let it be a part of you, and keep walking... you are not alone in this trip
make the best out of your journey, and you will go much further than what you can imagine.
Sometimes in life
we feel and share love
We love because that is our true nature
because it can heal and transform anything
because it forgives the unforgivable
because it transforms hate into love
because it gives compassion with a gentle smile
because it builds and re-builds
because it makes us truly happy
because it creates miracles, all of those and more
because it is our evolution, our destiny
because we become one.
So when ever you fall, rest, contemplate
then smile to the opportunities and just rise
because you know you are much more than that
So rise and make a change
see and go beyond your mental limitations
transform yourself and the world.
Only one drop is necessary to start the wave.
Sometimes in life
we make a difference...
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
we fall into the ground
We fall because of circumstances
because of adversities
because we lose hope
because of the pain we feel
because we lack the strength to keep going
because sometimes we just need to stop and rest
Sometimes in life
we make mistakes
We make mistakes because of the fear
because we cannot see beyond appearances
because we do not know or can do better at the moment
because we need to face ourselves and our walls
because we need to become more aware of us and others
because we need to put knowledge into practice
because we need to cultivate unconditional love
Sometimes in life
we hurt others, we hurt ourselves
We hurt because we fall
because we make mistakes
because we judge and condemn others
because we need to overcome our selfishness
because we need to listen and understand others
because we don't give a real chance
because we are here to (re)learn, to know, to be
because we fail to understand what we really need
because we fail to see we are all one, we are interconnected
Failure? Mistakes? Pain?
It is all illusions, designed to help you re-discover and experience your true self
It is in the most desperate hours, where we have the great opportunity to show the best we have within
Not with words, but with real meaningful actions that make a positive difference
Whenever you fall, do not be ashamed, this is a natural process of life
in fact it is a great moment to re-build, to re-learn, to evolve
if you need, stop for a moment and rest to recover lost energies
question every action and thought to become more aware and to change
read, meditate, walk in nature, talk with friends, do what gives you peace
then you will be ready again, and you can be sure you will rise again
never despair, never loose hope, you have all the power within
You have the potential
You have the courage
You have the compassion
You have the light
You have the love
You have yourself, and you are them and they are you
You have the strength to overcome the mountains that are placed on your path
and when you reach the top of everyone one of them, you will be able to see beyond them
no matter how hard the path was, you will be able to see the beauty ahead,
to know the past, understand the present, know and prepare the future
So, no matter how many times you fall over and over again, just rise,
no matter how much your heart hurts, how many tears has fallen trough your face, just rise,
no matter how many times you made mistakes, and how bad you criticize yourself, just rise,
keep the hope, be the hope, let it be a part of you, and keep walking... you are not alone in this trip
make the best out of your journey, and you will go much further than what you can imagine.
Sometimes in life
we feel and share love
We love because that is our true nature
because it can heal and transform anything
because it forgives the unforgivable
because it transforms hate into love
because it gives compassion with a gentle smile
because it builds and re-builds
because it makes us truly happy
because it creates miracles, all of those and more
because it is our evolution, our destiny
because we become one.
So when ever you fall, rest, contemplate
then smile to the opportunities and just rise
because you know you are much more than that
So rise and make a change
see and go beyond your mental limitations
transform yourself and the world.
Only one drop is necessary to start the wave.
Sometimes in life
we make a difference...
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.
Life happiness is about the journey, not the destination.
A warrior does not gives up on what he loves, he finds the love on what he does. A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability. He is about absolute vulnerability. That is the only true courage.
A warrior acts, only a fool reacts. Life is about choice. You can choose to be a fear or to be love. To begin the change, there is no start or no stopping, only doing.
A warrior does not gives up on what he loves, he finds the love on what he does. A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability. He is about absolute vulnerability. That is the only true courage.
A warrior acts, only a fool reacts. Life is about choice. You can choose to be a fear or to be love. To begin the change, there is no start or no stopping, only doing.
Beautiful Soul.
Somewhere out there
There is a beautiful soul
A soul that shines so bright
A soul that yearns
to (re)learn,
to interact,
to experience,
to know,
to transform,
to become unconditional love
A soul that yearns
to show the inner light
to understand and to be understood
to love and to be loved
to touch the hearts of ever living being
to bring compassion where there is judgment
to bring peace where there is war
to bring forgiveness where there is hatred
to bring a smile where there are tears
to make a loving change in the world
That beautiful soul, is a special conscientious being of energy
with a tremendous potential
that somehow, somewhere, shapes everything it touches
It is a soul that is always there, helping, making connections, re-creating
It is a soul that makes others smile, to feel loved, to feel precious
To be the change that wishes to see in the world
So, who is that beautiful soul?
It is me,
It is you,
It is us,
It is everyone.
We are just one of many souls
but we are all the same, we are a big family
we are just one flower in an incredible never ending garden
but as well as all the others, we are a beautiful one
we are no better or no worst, we are equals, we are one
each and every one of the souls can shine powerfully
feel, embrace your light and share it with all the others.
It is when you realize of all that unlimited light you have inside
of all that beauty, of all that potential, of all that love
it is when you will have the power to change everything.
When was the last time someone told you:
It just happen right now.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
There is a beautiful soul
A soul that shines so bright
A soul that yearns
to (re)learn,
to interact,
to experience,
to know,
to transform,
to become unconditional love
A soul that yearns
to show the inner light
to understand and to be understood
to love and to be loved
to touch the hearts of ever living being
to bring compassion where there is judgment
to bring peace where there is war
to bring forgiveness where there is hatred
to bring a smile where there are tears
to make a loving change in the world
That beautiful soul, is a special conscientious being of energy
with a tremendous potential
that somehow, somewhere, shapes everything it touches
It is a soul that is always there, helping, making connections, re-creating
It is a soul that makes others smile, to feel loved, to feel precious
To be the change that wishes to see in the world
So, who is that beautiful soul?
It is me,
It is you,
It is us,
It is everyone.
We are just one of many souls
but we are all the same, we are a big family
we are just one flower in an incredible never ending garden
but as well as all the others, we are a beautiful one
we are no better or no worst, we are equals, we are one
each and every one of the souls can shine powerfully
feel, embrace your light and share it with all the others.
It is when you realize of all that unlimited light you have inside
of all that beauty, of all that potential, of all that love
it is when you will have the power to change everything.
When was the last time someone told you:
It just happen right now.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
Native American Art and Poetry
I must exercise compassion
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend to the friendless
Make an empty life complete
I cannot predit the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last
I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday
The unkind things i do today
May never be undone
Any friendship that i fail to win
May nevermore be won
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray
And i thank god with humble heart
For giving me the day
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend to the friendless
Make an empty life complete
I cannot predit the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last
I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday
The unkind things i do today
May never be undone
Any friendship that i fail to win
May nevermore be won
I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray
And i thank god with humble heart
For giving me the day
Discover: Beyond illusions - To Be Free.
Beyond illusions:
To have
The Foresight
The Humility
The Open Mind
The Compassion
The Wisdom
The Love
The Strength
The Courage
To dare to go beyond illusions
To know there is much more out there
To be able to see new worlds, new dimensions, new potentials
Open your eyes
Seek and see with your soul and
You will find the truth of who you are
You will find the light
You will finally be free...
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
From the movie "The Island" - Music: "My Name Is Lincoln"
Now We Are Free:
When we discover what the illusions really are
We can understand and become free from them
But we must choose to do so, to take the responsibility
Then, and only then
We are able to know and be who we really are
We can really know our origins, our purpose
We will understand and fulfill our destiny
To be one with the universe.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
To have
The Foresight
The Humility
The Open Mind
The Compassion
The Wisdom
The Love
The Strength
The Courage
To dare to go beyond illusions
To know there is much more out there
To be able to see new worlds, new dimensions, new potentials
Open your eyes
Seek and see with your soul and
You will find the truth of who you are
You will find the light
You will finally be free...
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
From the movie "The Island" - Music: "My Name Is Lincoln"
Now We Are Free:
When we discover what the illusions really are
We can understand and become free from them
But we must choose to do so, to take the responsibility
Then, and only then
We are able to know and be who we really are
We can really know our origins, our purpose
We will understand and fulfill our destiny
To be one with the universe.
By P. Daniel - 12/2009
Selfish Love, Selfish Friendship
Love is the most wonderful feeling
Not just romantic love, but as well all kinds of love
for a friend, family, an animal, for a stranger
Friendship is important to help sustain that love
However, most people don't know
what is true friendship, true love
or at least cannot achieve it often
true friendship and true love means
to try to listen and understand others
to be at their side and help, when ever they need a hand
Not just romantic love, but as well all kinds of love
for a friend, family, an animal, for a stranger
Friendship is important to help sustain that love
However, most people don't know
what is true friendship, true love
or at least cannot achieve it often
true friendship and true love means
to try to listen and understand others
to be at their side and help, when ever they need a hand
Right or Wrong?
That is the questions the majority makes
People want to know that they are right
even if they are actually wrong
Does it matters if someone is right or not about an issue?
Is it positive to use arrogance and superiority to make a stand?
Is it worthy it to damage a relationship with this type of attitude?
Use the argument of silence...
People want to know that they are right
even if they are actually wrong
Does it matters if someone is right or not about an issue?
Is it positive to use arrogance and superiority to make a stand?
Is it worthy it to damage a relationship with this type of attitude?
Use the argument of silence...
Giving thanks.
Gives thanks
to all the gifts life has brought you
to the small and big things you receive
to all the gifts life has brought you
to the small and big things you receive
Who Do You Choose To Be?
Who do you choose to be
everyday, in every moment?
Who do you choose to be
Who do you choose to be
in the good moments, and especially in adversity?
Who do you choose to be
when you feel pain, when you feel your world falling apart?
Who do you choose to be
Who do you choose to be
to listen to your mind, or to your soul?
This is probably the most important question we can make
It is the question that can decide who we are at the present moment
that will decide what we choose to feel, to do and to be
and who we wish to transform and become in the future
It is a question that will lead us in life
It is a question that will decide our destiny
Even when we face tremendous adversities, with ourselves and others
do you wish to be anger, or do you wish to be peace?
do you wish revenge, or do you wish to forgive?
do you wish to see the negative, or do you wish to see the positive and the potential?
do you wish to deny your responsibilities, or do you wish to accept them?
do you wish to (self)destroy, or do you wish to build?
do you wish to be unhappy, or do you wish to be happy?
do you wish to feel fear, or do you wish to be love and share that love?
All of us have the potential to be one thing or another
in fact, in the past we have all been all of those, even if for just a moment
Even saints are capable of feeling anger and hurting others
Even dictators are capable of feeling love and saving others
The question that matters, is to be humble and learn from the past,
to transform knowledge into wisdom, to go beyond our mind limits
to know what we want to be in the eternal moment of now
especially in the difficult moments, when we face adversities.
All the potential is there, it is up to us to accept the responsibility
In reality, adversities are nothing more than real opportunities
that gives us a great chance for us to put into practice the knowledge we have
to test us, to make us stand up and go beyond our comfort zone
In reality, it is in pain that we can really grow spiritually, because it forces us to adapt
So pain can as well be a blessing, it just depends on the way you see and deal with it
In reality, it is all just a matter of perspective.
During our journey in life, we will certainly make mistakes
even if just for a moment and no matter how spiritually evolved we are
someday, somehow, we will hurt others and ourselves
someday, somehow, we will get tired and fall into the ground
But we can never loose hope, it is never too late to change
to admit our faults, take the responsibility and ask for forgiveness
to continue to move forward, to forgive, to rebuild, to love.
But remember, while you are making your quest
when ever in doubt about who you choose to be
and so, what you decide to feel and do
always make this question to yourself:
Put your pride, mind and fears aside, just open and deeply listen your soul
listen to your divine self, and in doing so, you will always know the answer.
It is up to you to listen, to have the courage to accept the responsibility it presents
and to follow that inner answer originated from your true self.
So... who do you choose to be, fear or love?
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
everyday, in every moment?
Who do you choose to be
with yourself, and with others?
Who do you choose to be
in the good moments, and especially in adversity?
Who do you choose to be
when you feel pain, when you feel your world falling apart?
Who do you choose to be
fear and anger, or peace and love?
Who do you choose to be
to listen to your mind, or to your soul?
This is probably the most important question we can make
It is the question that can decide who we are at the present moment
that will decide what we choose to feel, to do and to be
and who we wish to transform and become in the future
It is a question that will lead us in life
It is a question that will decide our destiny
Even when we face tremendous adversities, with ourselves and others
do you wish to be anger, or do you wish to be peace?
do you wish revenge, or do you wish to forgive?
do you wish to see the negative, or do you wish to see the positive and the potential?
do you wish to deny your responsibilities, or do you wish to accept them?
do you wish to (self)destroy, or do you wish to build?
do you wish to be unhappy, or do you wish to be happy?
do you wish to feel fear, or do you wish to be love and share that love?
All of us have the potential to be one thing or another
in fact, in the past we have all been all of those, even if for just a moment
Even saints are capable of feeling anger and hurting others
Even dictators are capable of feeling love and saving others
The question that matters, is to be humble and learn from the past,
to transform knowledge into wisdom, to go beyond our mind limits
to know what we want to be in the eternal moment of now
especially in the difficult moments, when we face adversities.
All the potential is there, it is up to us to accept the responsibility
and choose which path we will walk, a path that will deeply affect our life
that gives us a great chance for us to put into practice the knowledge we have
to test us, to make us stand up and go beyond our comfort zone
In reality, it is in pain that we can really grow spiritually, because it forces us to adapt
So pain can as well be a blessing, it just depends on the way you see and deal with it
In reality, it is all just a matter of perspective.
During our journey in life, we will certainly make mistakes
even if just for a moment and no matter how spiritually evolved we are
someday, somehow, we will hurt others and ourselves
someday, somehow, we will get tired and fall into the ground
But we can never loose hope, it is never too late to change
to admit our faults, take the responsibility and ask for forgiveness
to continue to move forward, to forgive, to rebuild, to love.
But remember, while you are making your quest
when ever in doubt about who you choose to be
and so, what you decide to feel and do
always make this question to yourself:
Put your pride, mind and fears aside, just open and deeply listen your soul
listen to your divine self, and in doing so, you will always know the answer.
It is up to you to listen, to have the courage to accept the responsibility it presents
and to follow that inner answer originated from your true self.
So... who do you choose to be, fear or love?
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Miracles are made when...
You smile to someone
You are there to give a hand
You say you care and love
You listen and try to understand
You give compassion and not judgement
You forgive even if someone hurt you very much
You see and understand we are all equals
You respect and protect all living beings
You see Nature is interconnected
You feel we all have the same origin
You change the life of a being
You become more aware
You know your true self
You transform knowledge into wisdom
You transform yourself and make a positive difference
Miracles do not need to come out of big issues
in fact, we can make lots of "small" miracles everyday
with everyone around and beyond us, in the present and for the future
It's those small miracles that will change everything
it will affect us, others, and the world
by creating a butterfly effect based on unconditional love
Somehow, we always make a difference
no matter if we try to be neutral, as such thing is impossible
The only questions is, what type of difference you decide to make
a negative or a positive one? Why not try to make a miracle?
Never underestimate yourself, and aim for unconditional love,
Because that way you always make a great difference
in the way we look at ourselves
in the life of one or more people
in the way we look and deal with adversities
in the way we take care of the planet and all it's living beings
Because you make a difference to yourself
since you allow to your true self to resurface
and to become the true being that you are within
Give thanks for all the miracles you receive
especially for the ones that you give.
Create, sustain and share your miracle
to transform the inner and outside world.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
You smile to someone
You are there to give a hand
You say you care and love
You listen and try to understand
You give compassion and not judgement
You forgive even if someone hurt you very much
You see and understand we are all equals
You respect and protect all living beings
You see Nature is interconnected
You feel we all have the same origin
You change the life of a being
You become more aware
You know your true self
You transform knowledge into wisdom
You transform yourself and make a positive difference
Miracles do not need to come out of big issues
in fact, we can make lots of "small" miracles everyday
with everyone around and beyond us, in the present and for the future
It's those small miracles that will change everything
it will affect us, others, and the world
by creating a butterfly effect based on unconditional love
Somehow, we always make a difference
no matter if we try to be neutral, as such thing is impossible
The only questions is, what type of difference you decide to make
a negative or a positive one? Why not try to make a miracle?
Never underestimate yourself, and aim for unconditional love,
Because that way you always make a great difference
in the way we look at ourselves
in the life of one or more people
in the way we look and deal with adversities
in the way we take care of the planet and all it's living beings
Because you make a difference to yourself
since you allow to your true self to resurface
and to become the true being that you are within
Give thanks for all the miracles you receive
especially for the ones that you give.
Create, sustain and share your miracle
to transform the inner and outside world.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Beautiful Love Songs
If You Are Not The One:
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
‘Cause I miss you
Body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart
And pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
By Daniel Beddingfield
Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
Just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way
And baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
I've been waitin' for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Ya - I'll be standin' there by you
You are all that I want
You are all that I need
By Brian Adams
Everything I Do:
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
By Brian Adams
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
‘Cause I miss you
Body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart
And pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
By Daniel Beddingfield
Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
Just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way
And baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
I've been waitin' for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Ya - I'll be standin' there by you
And baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
You are all that I want
You are all that I need
By Brian Adams
Everything I Do:
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
By Brian Adams
All We Need Is Love.
All we need is love
love is the real energy that moves the universe
love is the real energy that gives true meaning to life
love is what makes us smile, feel warm, complete and happy
There are many different levels of love
The love for family, for a friend, for a lover, for an "enemy"
The love for Nature, for Animals, plants, for all life
The love for ourselves, the love for the Universe (God)
But people do not know how to find true love
Most don't even know what love really is
Within the illusions, people look for love on the outside, on others
when in reality we need to search within, that is the biggest secret in life
Most times we feel dependent on others love when we should be independent
When we search in ourselves
we can find and unlock that love
the love that you have
the love that you are
and especially give that love to yourself
and by doing so, you won't need anything else
Even if it feels that you cannot find the love you are searching for
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
love is the real energy that moves the universe
love is the real energy that gives true meaning to life
love is what makes us smile, feel warm, complete and happy
Love is the most wonderful and powerful feeling
It can transform everything, it can heal, build, become
It is the basis for life, it is what we are, it is our destiny
There are many different levels of love
The love for family, for a friend, for a lover, for an "enemy"
The love for Nature, for Animals, plants, for all life
The love for ourselves, the love for the Universe (God)
But people do not know how to find true love
Most don't even know what love really is
Within the illusions, people look for love on the outside, on others
when in reality we need to search within, that is the biggest secret in life
Most times we feel dependent on others love when we should be independent
by knowing we already have what we search for, on the inside, on our heart and soul
that is the only way we can be truly happy
we do not depend on others, we depend on ourselves
When we search in ourselves
we can find and unlock that love
the love that you have
the love that you are
So find and be the love that you are
Share that it with others in all formsand especially give that love to yourself
and by doing so, you won't need anything else
Even if it feels that you cannot find the love you are searching for
Do not fear, do not despair, because
True love is your destiny
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Drop of Water.
What are we?
We are a drop of water
The lake is our universe
We are one drop among many billions of others in the vast lake
Every one of them is precious, every one of them is equal
Even knowing we are just one drop
Can we really make a difference?
Most would not think so,
but do not loose faith and, just imagine:
A drop of water falling into the lake
No matter how small it may be
When it hits the surface
It creates an impact, a wave
A wave that will affect and change
The life of many thousands of other drops
A wave that keeps moving outward
A wave that keeps affecting more and more drops
And those drops affect others drops, and so on
In some level, all the lake is affected
It is a wave of change, a wave of awareness
With the power to create the butterfly effect
It is transformation, it is revolution, it is evolution
If we can make a difference just by being a single drop?
Yes we can.
And we can do it everyday, with everyone.
With small and big steps, we make a difference
Just try it, do not be afraid and believe in yourself
Fall into the lake and start the change.
By Paulo Daniel - 11/2009
We are a drop of water
The lake is our universe
We are one drop among many billions of others in the vast lake
Every one of them is precious, every one of them is equal
Even knowing we are just one drop
Can we really make a difference?
Most would not think so,
but do not loose faith and, just imagine:
A drop of water falling into the lake
No matter how small it may be
When it hits the surface
It creates an impact, a wave
A wave that will affect and change
The life of many thousands of other drops
A wave that keeps moving outward
A wave that keeps affecting more and more drops
And those drops affect others drops, and so on
In some level, all the lake is affected
It is a wave of change, a wave of awareness
With the power to create the butterfly effect
It is transformation, it is revolution, it is evolution
If we can make a difference just by being a single drop?
Yes we can.
And we can do it everyday, with everyone.
With small and big steps, we make a difference
Just try it, do not be afraid and believe in yourself
Fall into the lake and start the change.
By Paulo Daniel - 11/2009
Beauty is Everywhere.
Beauty is everywhere
we look and feel
It is in experiences, knowledge and wisdom
In the way we have so much to (re)learn
It is in the grass
In the softly feeling when we lay down
we look and feel
It is in experiences, knowledge and wisdom
In the way we have so much to (re)learn
It is in the grass
In the softly feeling when we lay down
It is in the animals
In the way they play and help each other
It is in the plants
In the way they give us life
It is in the trees
In the shadow and comfort they give
It is in the leaves
In the shadow and comfort they give
It is in the leaves
In the wind softly touching them
It is in in the birds
In the musics they make
It is in the rain
In the way the drops flow trough our face
It is in the sky and water
It is in the sky and water
In the immense blue they are
It is in Nature
In the way everything is connected
It is in the Sun
In the way it keeps us warm
It is in the stars and the Universe
In the way it is so mysterious
It is in the people
In the love they share
It is in the souls
In the purity they are
It is in God
In the way God is all of this
It is within us
Because we are all of that...
Everything in the universe is beautiful
We just need to learn to see with new eyes
With a new open and more wider perspective
To understand that most times, the best things in life are the small ones
When we learn to change our views, we see things shining
We give a more powerful meaning and value to everything
We give thanks for life, for all the small and big blessings we receive daily
We give thanks to the experiences and opportunities those blessings provide
That way we understand, we change, we become
Open your eyes, open your mind, open your soul
To see and embrace the inner and outward beauty.
It is in Nature
In the way everything is connected
It is in the Sun
In the way it keeps us warm
It is in the stars and the Universe
In the way it is so mysterious
It is in the people
In the love they share
It is in the souls
In the purity they are
It is in God
In the way God is all of this
It is within us
Because we are all of that...
Everything in the universe is beautiful
We just need to learn to see with new eyes
With a new open and more wider perspective
To understand that most times, the best things in life are the small ones
When we learn to change our views, we see things shining
We give a more powerful meaning and value to everything
We give thanks for life, for all the small and big blessings we receive daily
We give thanks to the experiences and opportunities those blessings provide
That way we understand, we change, we become
Open your eyes, open your mind, open your soul
To see and embrace the inner and outward beauty.
In doing so, you just touch heaven...
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
A vida diz-me para te contar isto
nada precisa ser consertado
tudo deseja uma celebração.
Foste feito para te dobrares
para que pudesses constatar
toda a quantidade de milagres aos teus pés.
Foste feito para te esticares
para que pudesses descobrir,
o teu próprio rosto belo do céu
mesmo por cima
de tudo o que julgas ter de suportar.
Quando apelo a Deus para falar comigo,
sinto-me tão pequeno e só como tu possas estar.
Mas isso é quando, por nenhuma razão em particular,
começo a brilhar.
Em Claire - 2007
nada precisa ser consertado
tudo deseja uma celebração.
Foste feito para te dobrares
para que pudesses constatar
toda a quantidade de milagres aos teus pés.
Foste feito para te esticares
para que pudesses descobrir,
o teu próprio rosto belo do céu
mesmo por cima
de tudo o que julgas ter de suportar.
Quando apelo a Deus para falar comigo,
sinto-me tão pequeno e só como tu possas estar.
Mas isso é quando, por nenhuma razão em particular,
começo a brilhar.
Em Claire - 2007
We are always searching
Searching the unknown
to try find the answers to the questions
we make every day and night.
We search because we feel the need to know.
We search because we wish to be happy.
Most of the times we never receive an answer
because we are not aware, and so, able to see and understand it.
Most of the times we don't even know what to search
because we are so deep within the illusions, so unhappy.
Normally people do not make the right questions
hence, they do not receive the right answers.
Most of the questions made are superficial
when we need to be brave and go deeper.
Answers are important
but the right questions are even more important.
It is with them that we are able to explore, discover
and understand the basis for the meaning of life.
When we search deep within
within our heart and soul
we can truly go from darkness into light
because our mind will be enlighten.
Making the right questions
gives us the opportunity to receive the right answers.
Knowing those answers shows us
the path to true wisdom, peace and happiness.
It is a path of spiritual evolution.
It is a path of life, to the why we are here.
We are here to experience
to remember
to evolve
to go beyond
to transform
to become
to love.
When we have done so
we don't need to do anything
we don't need to search no more...
We just ARE.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Searching the unknown
to try find the answers to the questions
we make every day and night.
We search because we feel the need to know.
We search because we wish to be happy.
Most of the times we never receive an answer
because we are not aware, and so, able to see and understand it.
Most of the times we don't even know what to search
because we are so deep within the illusions, so unhappy.
Normally people do not make the right questions
hence, they do not receive the right answers.
Most of the questions made are superficial
when we need to be brave and go deeper.
Answers are important
but the right questions are even more important.
It is with them that we are able to explore, discover
and understand the basis for the meaning of life.
When we search deep within
within our heart and soul
we can truly go from darkness into light
because our mind will be enlighten.
Making the right questions
gives us the opportunity to receive the right answers.
Knowing those answers shows us
the path to true wisdom, peace and happiness.
It is a path of spiritual evolution.
It is a path of life, to the why we are here.
We are here to experience
to remember
to evolve
to go beyond
to transform
to become
to love.
When we have done so
we don't need to do anything
we don't need to search no more...
We just ARE.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Pousa o Martelo
Deus diz "pousa o martelo".
Que é na verdade a minha própria voz, podes crer.
E é também a tua própria voz.
Portanto "pousa o martelo" e leva a mão aos lábios,
ou coloca-a sobre o coração, murmurando "doce perdão",
embora nada haja a perdoar.
Tudo o que fazemos é tentar Amar.
Surge como tudo: ira, medo e mágoa de toda a espécie.
Mas tudo o que fazemos é tentar Amar.
Nada há a perdoar,
Excepto, levantando novamente o Martelo...
Em Claire - 2007
Que é na verdade a minha própria voz, podes crer.
E é também a tua própria voz.
Portanto "pousa o martelo" e leva a mão aos lábios,
ou coloca-a sobre o coração, murmurando "doce perdão",
embora nada haja a perdoar.
Tudo o que fazemos é tentar Amar.
Surge como tudo: ira, medo e mágoa de toda a espécie.
Mas tudo o que fazemos é tentar Amar.
Nada há a perdoar,
Excepto, levantando novamente o Martelo...
Em Claire - 2007
Estavas Destinado + Conhece o teu Eu como luz.
Estavas Destinado:
Tudo isto:
é uma preparação para caminhar no mundo como luz.
Foste agora encontrado, e o curso de muitas vidas terminou.
Assim, à medida que cada camada de pó é limpa da superfície,
o Tu que conheces deve dispersar.
Deixa esta luz tornar-se o teu discurso e o teu silêncio.
Deixa a tristeza que te viveu, passar.
Deixa as pessoas que te amam, amarem-se a si próprias.
Deixa a terra tremer, arderem as estrelas, romperem-se os céus
quando tu o fizeres.
Por mais dolorosa que seja esta parte,
Estavas destinado a conhecer a tua luz.
Em Claire - 2007
* * *
Conhece o teu Eu como luz:
Conhece o teu Eu como luz
Maior ainda do que o ar
Maior ainda que o todo
Ainda mais silencioso que o silêncio que o envolve
Conhece o teu Eu como envolvido
Mais suave ainda do que antes
Mais profundo ainda do que qualquer escuridão
Quando o corpo de luz de ti respira sem limites
não conhece sequer o conceito ou quaisquer limites de todo.
Quando conheces o teu Eu apenas como luz
que chama o mistério para te atravessar
delicado, inocente instrumento da longa
longa eternidade da canção, então,
conhece o teu Eu como
o maior riso da vida,
o maior amante da vida,
chamando o mistério
Em Claire - 2006
Tudo isto:
é uma preparação para caminhar no mundo como luz.
Foste agora encontrado, e o curso de muitas vidas terminou.
Assim, à medida que cada camada de pó é limpa da superfície,
o Tu que conheces deve dispersar.
Deixa esta luz tornar-se o teu discurso e o teu silêncio.
Deixa a tristeza que te viveu, passar.
Deixa as pessoas que te amam, amarem-se a si próprias.
Deixa a terra tremer, arderem as estrelas, romperem-se os céus
quando tu o fizeres.
Por mais dolorosa que seja esta parte,
Estavas destinado a conhecer a tua luz.
Em Claire - 2007
* * *
Conhece o teu Eu como luz:
Conhece o teu Eu como luz
Maior ainda do que o ar
Maior ainda que o todo
Ainda mais silencioso que o silêncio que o envolve
Conhece o teu Eu como envolvido
Mais suave ainda do que antes
Mais profundo ainda do que qualquer escuridão
Quando o corpo de luz de ti respira sem limites
não conhece sequer o conceito ou quaisquer limites de todo.
Quando conheces o teu Eu apenas como luz
que chama o mistério para te atravessar
delicado, inocente instrumento da longa
longa eternidade da canção, então,
conhece o teu Eu como
o maior riso da vida,
o maior amante da vida,
chamando o mistério
Em Claire - 2006
Oração diária
Agradeço por todas as bençãos que recebi, recebo e receberei
Hoje é o início da minha nova vida
Estou a começar novamente hoje
Todas as coisas boas estão a vir hoje na minha direcção
Estou grato por estar vivo
Eu vejo a beleza em todo o meu redor
Eu vivo com paixão e propósito
Eu dedico tempo para rir e brincar todos os dias
Eu estou acordado, energizado e vivo
Eu foco-me em todas as coisas boas da vida e dou graças por elas
Eu estou em paz e uno com todas as coisas
Eu sinto o amor, a alegria e a abundância
Eu estou livre para ser eu próprio
Eu sou a magnificência na forma humana
Eu sou a perfeição da vida
Eu estou grato por ser...EU.
Hoje é o melhor dia da minha vida.
De "O Segredo" (The Secret)
(O vídeo está colocado neste blog)
Hoje é o início da minha nova vida
Estou a começar novamente hoje
Todas as coisas boas estão a vir hoje na minha direcção
Estou grato por estar vivo
Eu vejo a beleza em todo o meu redor
Eu vivo com paixão e propósito
Eu dedico tempo para rir e brincar todos os dias
Eu estou acordado, energizado e vivo
Eu foco-me em todas as coisas boas da vida e dou graças por elas
Eu estou em paz e uno com todas as coisas
Eu sinto o amor, a alegria e a abundância
Eu estou livre para ser eu próprio
Eu sou a magnificência na forma humana
Eu sou a perfeição da vida
Eu estou grato por ser...EU.
Hoje é o melhor dia da minha vida.
De "O Segredo" (The Secret)
(O vídeo está colocado neste blog)
Beautiful words... (5 posts)
(This post will be updated)
- Kindness, Care and Compassion
Kindness, care and compassion emerge from a heart which is loving and true.
A kind soul never compares or competes, but is content.
A compassionate soul never judges or criticises, but maintains a merciful attitude.
A caring soul cares for the best in every soul.
- Choosing Positivity
When you choose to be positive in adversity, you transform conflict into inner strength and gain a peaceful victory for both sides.
- Spotting the Good
We're usually very good at spotting mistakes. We can also develop the quality of spotting the good in others and situations. If I keep thinking "they are wrong", I create a barrier which blocks me from reaching my own goodness. By going beyond the curtain of negativity, I will see and feel the good in myself and others
- Integrity
Integrity is the ability to remain true to my own values, no matter how others behave, and to avoid the temptation to prove myself right. Values practised quietly, are much more impressive than those that are advertised.
- Small steps, Big changes
What works best in effecting personal change is often a series of small steps instead of grand gestures. Remember, a baby takes one very shaky step at a time accompanied by a big wide grin. What's the smallest thing you can change, that's going to make the biggest impact?
By www.innerspace.org.uk
- Kindness, Care and Compassion
Kindness, care and compassion emerge from a heart which is loving and true.
A kind soul never compares or competes, but is content.
A compassionate soul never judges or criticises, but maintains a merciful attitude.
A caring soul cares for the best in every soul.
- Choosing Positivity
When you choose to be positive in adversity, you transform conflict into inner strength and gain a peaceful victory for both sides.
- Spotting the Good
We're usually very good at spotting mistakes. We can also develop the quality of spotting the good in others and situations. If I keep thinking "they are wrong", I create a barrier which blocks me from reaching my own goodness. By going beyond the curtain of negativity, I will see and feel the good in myself and others
- Integrity
Integrity is the ability to remain true to my own values, no matter how others behave, and to avoid the temptation to prove myself right. Values practised quietly, are much more impressive than those that are advertised.
- Small steps, Big changes
What works best in effecting personal change is often a series of small steps instead of grand gestures. Remember, a baby takes one very shaky step at a time accompanied by a big wide grin. What's the smallest thing you can change, that's going to make the biggest impact?
By www.innerspace.org.uk
Take a Chance
Life presents us with many wonderful gifts
Take the opportunities that appear before us
We need to open our eyes, mind and heart
To be able to see, understand, and embrace them into our lifes
When we do so, we can take the best out of life
Experience it to the fullest
Experience ourselves, so we can know our true self
So we can transform and become that self
Sometimes, somethings may not seems to be a gift
Sometimes, somethings may seem to be really painful
It can be very hard to acknowledge and accept
But even a painful gift can actually be a blessing in disguise
It can be a blessing, since it can force us to see
To see in different ways, in different perspectives
So we can go beyond our own self-imposed limitations
So we can overcome our pains, our fears
So we can fulfill our destiny
And in doing so, become light and share that light
And transform ourselves, transform the world
Believe in yourself and take a chance
Believe in your own light, and surpass the fears
Believe in others, share, connect and build something
Something that will benefit every soul, every being
Take a chance, because only in doing so you can go beyond
Take a chance, because only in doing so you can be truly happy
Take a chance, because life is CHANGE.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Take the opportunities that appear before us
We need to open our eyes, mind and heart
To be able to see, understand, and embrace them into our lifes
When we do so, we can take the best out of life
Experience it to the fullest
Experience ourselves, so we can know our true self
So we can transform and become that self
Sometimes, somethings may not seems to be a gift
Sometimes, somethings may seem to be really painful
It can be very hard to acknowledge and accept
But even a painful gift can actually be a blessing in disguise
It can be a blessing, since it can force us to see
To see in different ways, in different perspectives
So we can go beyond our own self-imposed limitations
So we can overcome our pains, our fears
So we can fulfill our destiny
And in doing so, become light and share that light
And transform ourselves, transform the world
Believe in yourself and take a chance
Believe in your own light, and surpass the fears
Believe in others, share, connect and build something
Something that will benefit every soul, every being
Take a chance, because only in doing so you can go beyond
Take a chance, because only in doing so you can be truly happy
Take a chance, because life is CHANGE.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
The Power of Forgiveness.
How hard and how powerful can it be
It is an important experience that can deeply change lifes
It can heal minds and hearts
It can re-build connections
It can transform deep hate into deep love
Forgiving someone that has hurt us can be very difficult
it can demand great courage, great wisdom, great love
especially if the other person does not recognizes the mistake
does not apologizes and assumes an arrogant position
But if we wish to heal and to evolve ourselves
it is something we MUST do
Forgiving also means to give others a chance
To give them a chance to change themselves
To know and rebuild who they are, to travel into a new path
A healing path of honesty, peace and love
However, no matter what others do
we need to bear in mind that
We cannot forget we also make mistakes
We cannot forget we also hurt others
No matter if consciously or not
It still happens sometimes
We are no superior than others, we have been there as well
The trick is to learn to be more aware
To learn to be humble, to become wiser
To learn to avoid it when possible
and ask for forgiveness when it still happens
If we want to make the world a better place
We need to learn to forgive others as they learn to forgive us
Even if people still live in different levels of awareness
No one is better than others, we still have the same origins and potencial
So forgive, focus on the healing power of love
So forgive, because you are them and they are you
When you do that, you also forgive yourself
Because we are all one.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
How hard and how powerful can it be
It is an important experience that can deeply change lifes
It can heal minds and hearts
It can re-build connections
It can transform deep hate into deep love
Forgiving someone that has hurt us can be very difficult
it can demand great courage, great wisdom, great love
especially if the other person does not recognizes the mistake
does not apologizes and assumes an arrogant position
But if we wish to heal and to evolve ourselves
it is something we MUST do
Forgiving also means to give others a chance
To give them a chance to change themselves
To know and rebuild who they are, to travel into a new path
A healing path of honesty, peace and love
However, no matter what others do
we need to bear in mind that
We cannot forget we also make mistakes
We cannot forget we also hurt others
No matter if consciously or not
It still happens sometimes
We are no superior than others, we have been there as well
The trick is to learn to be more aware
To learn to be humble, to become wiser
To learn to avoid it when possible
and ask for forgiveness when it still happens
If we want to make the world a better place
We need to learn to forgive others as they learn to forgive us
Even if people still live in different levels of awareness
No one is better than others, we still have the same origins and potencial
So forgive, focus on the healing power of love
So forgive, because you are them and they are you
When you do that, you also forgive yourself
Because we are all one.
By P. Daniel - 11/2009
Listen to your heart.
Listen to your heart
When it is calling for you
Listen to your heart
When there is no apparent solution
Listen to your heart
If you want to make a change
a change based on love
When it is calling for you
Listen to your heart
When there is no apparent solution
Listen to your heart
If you want to make a change
a change based on love
Never give up.
Never give up
Even when times look so difficult
Never give up
Never give up
Even when you see no solution
Never give up
Even if you don't have the strengths to continue
Never give up
Even if you want to give up
There is always hope
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel
The secret to transform the change
is to change the way we see and face change itself
The secret to transform the pain
is with the use of love, our own love, for ourselves and for others
If in some change we see pain, it is because we choose to feel it
Pain and joy is not a matter of happening, it is a matter of choice
To transform pain, we need to change the way we see things
If we do so, if we choose to see the positive, we can control our life
The truth is, that it is all a matter of perspective
The unknown can place fear into peoples mind
But the unknown is also exciting and brings new opportunities
Life never stands still, life is always changing
Life brings everything to us, either positive or negative
In that way we can experience ourselves to the fullest
And then, find and become what we really are
The re-discovery of ourselves is our mission in life
As we get closer to that objective
the more we understand what is an illusion and what is real
that way, we will be able to find true peace and happiness
Changes we face everyday on our lifes
are just opportunities for such, ways for us to be more than what we are.
When we realize that we are so much more than what we seem to be
we will be able to see the truth and destroy all barriers
As we do such, we can feel the real power we have
we can know how far we can go, what we can achieve
we can know that we can make a real big difference
in our life and in the life of others
So never give up, because...
You are unique
You are special
You are important
You have the strength to be what you really are
You have the ability to love and be loved
You have the ability to transform and make a change
Even if you feel alone, you are not,
there are always entities that are guiding and protecting you
listen to your heart and soul and you will hear them
Even if you feel alone, you are not,
you have yourself, and that is all you need
trust your abilities, your power to love, your power to change
Use that love to overcome all adversities, all illusions and to become light
So never give up, because you cannot fail, because you will succeed.
That is not a matter of choice, it is your destiny.
By Paulo Daniel - 11/2009
Even when times look so difficult
Never give up
Even when adversities are overwhelming
Never give up
Even when you see no solution
Never give up
Even if feel you are alone
Never give up
Even if you don't have the strengths to continue
Never give up
Even if you want to give up
There is always hope
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel
The secret to transform the change
is to change the way we see and face change itself
The secret to transform the pain
is with the use of love, our own love, for ourselves and for others
If in some change we see pain, it is because we choose to feel it
Pain and joy is not a matter of happening, it is a matter of choice
To transform pain, we need to change the way we see things
If we do so, if we choose to see the positive, we can control our life
The unknown can place fear into peoples mind
But the unknown is also exciting and brings new opportunities
Life never stands still, life is always changing
Life brings everything to us, either positive or negative
In that way we can experience ourselves to the fullest
And then, find and become what we really are
The re-discovery of ourselves is our mission in life
As we get closer to that objective
the more we understand what is an illusion and what is real
that way, we will be able to find true peace and happiness
Changes we face everyday on our lifes
are just opportunities for such, ways for us to be more than what we are.
When we realize that we are so much more than what we seem to be
we will be able to see the truth and destroy all barriers
As we do such, we can feel the real power we have
we can know how far we can go, what we can achieve
we can know that we can make a real big difference
in our life and in the life of others
So never give up, because...
You are unique
You are special
You are important
You have the strength to be what you really are
You have the ability to love and be loved
You have the ability to transform and make a change
Even if you feel alone, you are not,
there are always entities that are guiding and protecting you
listen to your heart and soul and you will hear them
Even if you feel alone, you are not,
you have yourself, and that is all you need
trust your abilities, your power to love, your power to change
Use that love to overcome all adversities, all illusions and to become light
So never give up, because you cannot fail, because you will succeed.
That is not a matter of choice, it is your destiny.
By Paulo Daniel - 11/2009
Where the path goes?
Judgement versus compassion.
Judgment is blind
Compassion is wise
To judge is to...
be arrogant and hypocrite, thinking we are superior and never make mistakes
hurt others and ourselves
not understand what is behind or even ahead
deny love, deny empathy, deny possibilities and evolution
follow an illusion, an easy path
make wars, destroy a bit of others and ourselves
To be compassionated is to...
be humble and gentle, knowing that we have already been there
try to help others and ourselves
try to understand the facts and the emotions
embrace love, embrace empathy, allow possibilities and evolution to arise
seek the truth, the truth within a path of love
forge peace, heal and build something permanent
You can do this by transforming knowledge into wisdom
Every day, with small big acts of kindness
There is nothing easier than to judge others
But it is the path of negativity, separation and (self)destruction
There is nothing more powerful than to try to understand and forgive others
It is the path that unites souls, that restores connections, that help us evolve
There is only one way to spirituality away from illusions, and that way is trough love.
All other paths only make us move away from the union with the One, the union with our essence.
Accept your responsibility, it is up to you
Follow the love within to reach and give compassion
You are already all that, share it with others and change the world.
By P. Daniel - 2009
Compassion is wise
To judge is to...
be arrogant and hypocrite, thinking we are superior and never make mistakes
hurt others and ourselves
not understand what is behind or even ahead
deny love, deny empathy, deny possibilities and evolution
follow an illusion, an easy path
make wars, destroy a bit of others and ourselves
To be compassionated is to...
be humble and gentle, knowing that we have already been there
try to help others and ourselves
try to understand the facts and the emotions
embrace love, embrace empathy, allow possibilities and evolution to arise
seek the truth, the truth within a path of love
forge peace, heal and build something permanent
You can do this by transforming knowledge into wisdom
Every day, with small big acts of kindness
There is nothing easier than to judge others
But it is the path of negativity, separation and (self)destruction
There is nothing more powerful than to try to understand and forgive others
It is the path that unites souls, that restores connections, that help us evolve
There is only one way to spirituality away from illusions, and that way is trough love.
All other paths only make us move away from the union with the One, the union with our essence.
Accept your responsibility, it is up to you
Follow the love within to reach and give compassion
You are already all that, share it with others and change the world.
By P. Daniel - 2009
A new dawn...
A new dawn is rising
And is bringing change
New energy, new hope, new opportunities
Things never remain the same
Things are always changing
Since the nature of the universe
Is change itself
The way we face the change
Is the way that makes all the difference
The difference is what we choose to see, be and do
The difference to build something
The potencial to build
Is built with the positive potential
Thoughts, emotions, actions, wisdom
When we seek love within, we become love and it will flow trough us
Trough us, it is love who changes, who transforms everything
Who makes all the difference, who shines, who gives hope
It is love who builds a better future
For us, for others, for the planet
Yes, it is a new dawn, a dawn of change for change itself
A new dawn that will enlighten the sky, our heart, our mind
A light that is part of us
A light that will show us the way
It is a new dawn, and our life has just began.
Take a chance and be a part of change.
By Paulo Daniel - 2009
And is bringing change
New energy, new hope, new opportunities
Things never remain the same
Things are always changing
Since the nature of the universe
Is change itself
The way we face the change
Is the way that makes all the difference
The difference is what we choose to see, be and do
The difference to build something
The potencial to build
Is built with the positive potential
Thoughts, emotions, actions, wisdom
When we seek love within, we become love and it will flow trough us
Trough us, it is love who changes, who transforms everything
Who makes all the difference, who shines, who gives hope
It is love who builds a better future
For us, for others, for the planet
Yes, it is a new dawn, a dawn of change for change itself
A new dawn that will enlighten the sky, our heart, our mind
A light that is part of us
A light that will show us the way
It is a new dawn, and our life has just began.
Take a chance and be a part of change.
By Paulo Daniel - 2009
What to do?
What to do
When you are feeling down
When you feel alone
When you feel betrayed
When you dont know what to feel and do
Never loose hope
Never stop searching
Never stop learning
Never stop changing
Go back to the origins
Go back to the source
Just believe and love yourself
Stop the outside voices
Search deep inside and listen to your soul
To find who you really are
To know what you can really do
To know what you can really change
By discovering the beauty within that you have
And with heart and soul
To feel the love, compassion, peace, freedom, strength, hope, joy...
Become that being
Know you ARE that being
Be aware that you are love and are loved
Be aware we are all the same
And you will have found all the answers
You will have found the meaning and beauty of life
Then you will know who you trully are...
A small big part of the Universe
A shining star among billions
Light, Love, God.
... so smile, because you are beautiful.
By P.Daniel - 2009
When you are feeling down
When you feel alone
When you feel betrayed
When you dont know what to feel and do
Never loose hope
Never stop searching
Never stop learning
Never stop changing
Go back to the origins
Go back to the source
Just believe and love yourself
Stop the outside voices
Search deep inside and listen to your soul
To find who you really are
To know what you can really do
To know what you can really change
By discovering the beauty within that you have
And with heart and soul
To feel the love, compassion, peace, freedom, strength, hope, joy...
Become that being
Know you ARE that being
Be aware that you are love and are loved
Be aware we are all the same
And you will have found all the answers
You will have found the meaning and beauty of life
Then you will know who you trully are...
A small big part of the Universe
A shining star among billions
Light, Love, God.
... so smile, because you are beautiful.
By P.Daniel - 2009