
Em Claire Poems...


God says for me to tell You This:
nothing needs fixing;
everything desires a Celebration.
You were made to bend so that you could find
all of the many miracles at your feet.
You were made to stretch so that you would discover,
your own beautiful face of Heaven
just above all that you think you must shoulder.

When I appeal to God to speak to me,
I'm feeling just as small and alone as you might feel.
But this is when, for no particular reason at all,
I begin to shine

* * *

This Is A Diamond

It is clear that This is a Diamond.
Multifaceted. Faces of God.

Each time I see you now
I have only two choices:
break open or openly break.

How can I explain This?
It might be easier
if we leave the castle
climb the walls
enter the city
and let Our Love be made
in All of God's streets.

* * *


Usually we fall asleep one after the other
you, speaking into the air the last loving thought me,
left to contemplate it

I like to wait until I hear the sound of your breath deepen and slow
to know the same kind of peace that comes
when the contentment of any creature who companions us
comforts us in their comfort

I like to wait, and let you live there
in that blessed world
where one knows the other is Sentinel,
then gently help you to wake, just enough to place a leg
a cool arm under
the sheets that I pull from beneath you
and fold back over you
and tuck around you

Then, we travel together and apart
through the stretch of black-silk hours toward dawn
knowing that either both of us are sleeping seamlessly
or that both of us are restless

but that tomorrow, no matter what
Love stays

* * *

What Love Is

Ask Love what It dreams about.

Ask Love what It longs for -
what quenches and cradles It
and why It hovers

so sure of the coming dawn
so sure of the flower’s opening
of rising nectar
and of

Ask Love why It believes in us

How It readies and rights Itself in the human heart
that so easily rejects It,
and so brazenly asks for Its return

Ask Love what divine environment
might be created
in order for It to
thrive in our absences

And if bold – if bold and humble,
ask Love
what Love is